DFW Wildlife Coalition

by Ruth Maaske

Earn AT and VH Without Leaving Home and Feel Good About It!

You can have a good feeling knowing you are helping both wildlife and people by volunteering with the DFW Wildlife Coalition (“Coalition”) on a hotline that you can transfer to your home or wherever you are.

You will have six hours of training online, followed by an hour or two with one of our hotline creators or supervisors, giving you 7 or 8 hours of AT. Then you earn volunteer hours by serving two hours a week (usually) on the hotline. You can do this in your pj’s or however you’re most comfortable because you are taking the calls at home. You always have a supervisor to answer any questions when you are uncertain how to help.

The hotline was started by rehabbers who have a network with other rehabbers but knew that people who find orphaned or injured wildlife, or are having problems with wildlife, have a hard time knowing where to turn. The Coalition works closely with Texas Parks and Wildlife and refers only licensed rehabbers who are known to maintain good conditions for the animals they help, and can humanely end the lives of those they cannot save.

In addition, we advise people how to deal with wildlife that may be causing problems, or that they are afraid will cause problems. Sometimes the solution is as simple as giving them more information about wildlife that addresses their concerns. Other times we may refer them to professionals who will humanely remove wildlife and help them prevent the return if the wildlife is truly threatening.

Not only is it a wonderful experience; you will have great stories to share, some heart-warming and even some funny ones.

To learn more or volunteer, reach out to Kathy Milacek at info@dfwwildlife.org. Or, you may ask me any questions you may have before volunteering. Either one of us will be happy to talk with you, but Kathy is the one who can set you up to get the training and join a great group.

We also have gatherings a few times a year most years, and you will meet some wonderful people and usually get more AT hours. Please join us.

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