Chapter Meeting – Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

How Spending Time in Nature Can Boost Mental Health and Save the Planet:


Explore the profound mental health benefits of immersing oneself in nature. Research has shown that spending time in natural environments can have a positive impact on overall well-being and significantly improve mental health. The presentation highlights the “Wellness in Nature” program, offered by the Elm Fork Chapter, which specifically caters to individuals with memory loss and their caregivers in the community. Through a combination of guided nature activities and therapeutic interventions, the program aims to enhance the quality of life, reduce stress, and foster a sense of connection and respite for those facing memory-related challenges.

Attendees will gain insights into the therapeutic value of nature-based interventions and the transformative power of engaging with the natural world for individuals and their caregivers dealing with memory loss.


Dr. Michele Steigleder is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She has been in the mental health field since 1987. After having several family members and friends diagnosed with dementia, Dr.Steigleder “retooled” and applied her years of experience to develop expertise in the psychological treatment of dementia for patients and their families. She is an invited speaker on understanding and caring for dementia patients for HomeHealth and Hospice organizations and also supervises therapists in training for the Psychology Department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Psychology Department. Dr.Steigleder has an additional certification in Tele-mental Health which allows her to ethically and confidentially provide psychological treatment using the Internet. Dr.Steigleder is certified by the National Council of Dementia Care Providers (NCCDP) as a Dementia Care Provider specialist.

Matt Brown is an accomplished executive with over 25 years of experience in advisory services and entrepreneurship. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a successful track record of assisting companies in achieving growth and has been instrumental in architecting and implementing organizational transformations that have generated millions in additional revenue and savings. Through his work, Matt is dedicated to creating life-changing opportunities for investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals with shared experiences and pursuits.

Born and raised in Nebraska with a strong work ethic and a sense of community, Matt has a genuine passion for meeting new people, hearing their stories, and collaborating with creative individuals to solve problems. He has an MBA in Sustainability Leadership and an MEd in Educational Leadership. Matt holds certifications as a Project Management Professional, a Six Sigma Black Belt, and a Texas Master Naturalist.
Currently residing near Dallas, TX, Matt finds joy in various activities that encompass his diverse range of interests. He is an avid runner, rider, scuba diver, and cook and is wildly interested in dogs, sustainability, the outdoors, wildlife, travel, art, start-ups, teaching/mentoring, and problem-solving.

Zoom Registration Link:


6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
7:00 Introduction and Announcements
7:20 Featured Presentation
8:45 Adjournment

Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 125. Campus map. Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)

Or join us in south Dallas at Dallas College Mountain View Campus, Building S (Administrative offices), Room 1029. (Mountain View Campus map).

Note: It is best to enter the Mountain View campus from Duncanville Road; there is construction but you can park directly in front of the S building. Room 1029 is on the lower level, continue down past the administration areas and turn left once you see a Subway and go down short hallway.

Please bring snacks at 6:30 p.m. to share with others! (at both locations)

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